8 Quotes & Sayings By Stella Coulson

Stella Coulson is a professional writer from North Wales. She has been a freelance writer since she was ten years old, with articles appearing in national publications such as Good Housekeeping, Woman's Weekly, Harper's Bazaar, Famous magazine and Country Life. She has ghosted several books for other authors, including the novels of author Kate Fox. Her first book was published in 1997, and she has since written several more books which have been translated into over twelve languages Read more

She also works as an editor for various UK educational publishers, including Pearson Education.

You do not see the painting in the attic The maggots on skin that tear. The beauty is a trick. Narcissus - promise naught but air...'' ~ Dorian Gray Stella Coulson
Linear’s defeated form The intangible reality rise.'' ~ Wanderer Stella Coulson
Listen Nosferatu , you better get your claws off me now, or I'm going to go Buffy on your undead ass. Stella Coulson
Eriously, Drew. What kind of Vampire are you? You spend most of your eternal life pretending to be human - and miserably, I might add, while constantly being ashamed of what you really are. Okay, I get it. I moaned for over a decade when I was turned, but I got over it. You are one of the most gifted of our kind, and in spite of that, You are the most stupid Vamp I know, because you've just revealed what you are and all of us in fact, to a human. Stella Coulson
A young man held a young woman in his arms, her head leaned to one side, her eyes empty and still. He was shadowed, but I saw that the figure was kissing the girl's neck. No that wasn't it. As I moved closer I saw what it was. She was unmoving, a statue, while he sucked on her bleeding neck. I was cold with fear, yet I moved closer. .. mesmerised Stella Coulson
The horror of what I saw chilled me to the bone. Blood glistened on my friend's lips. He knelt down and whispered something I could not hear. Star then stopped attacking, and to lay down to sleep. What the hell had he done to my dog? Just how much of a chance did I have to live through the next few moments of my life? I turned and ran as fast as I could, heart thudding in my chest. I ran down the pier, running for my life. Something came in front of me and grabbed me. It was Drew. He held my arms still in front of him. He stared intently into my eyes. . Stella Coulson
Would you like to stand next to me and introduce yourself to the class?'' Smiled Mr Zimmerman, the English teacher. Nope, I would rather turn into bat! Leave me the heck alone. Ughh, why is it teachers ask ' Would you like to?' No teen ever wants to stand in front of strangers and be forced to talk about them. - Lenore Lee from Whitby After Dark Stella Coulson